Monday, 11 April 2016


This is the 3rd time I'm writing my story but I've not been able to get the guts to make it public.  However, I now realize that I do need help cos I'm about to the something I would regret. My story is lengthy but i'll try my best to shorten it.

Ms Chidaa do publish my story but make me anonymous.

I met Adebayo(not real name) during my university years. I was only 19 in my 3rd year while he was 27. Bayo as I fondly call him is quiet and reserved person, generous, caring and very understanding. We started going out not too long after I met him. He always went out of his way to please me.
Adebayo is from a well to do family while I'm just from an average home. I however never thought our different social status would pose a problem, how wrong I was.
2years into our relationship,  he decided it was time his parents knew about me. Like every normal lady would act,  I was worried and excited. My worry however won as his mum didn't like me much for reasons I still do not know. 
 The relationship ended for a brief period which had its toll on me as I had gotten so used to the idea of the both of us being a pair. Soon afterwards, we made up largely due to my efforts( a move which I now regret)
 Although we got back together, the calls reduced, his attention became so divided and he hardly publicly referred to me as his special someone (not even on my birthdays). Even with all these signs, I still turned a blind eye while I believed things would change but it never did.
 I recieved the shock of my life 3days ago when I coincidentally found a stack of IV's at his house when I went visiting. My Bayo is getting married in 3weeks time, and as crazy as it sounds, he is getting married to my university roomy.
  I still dont understand how I was so blind that I never noticed. Right now my heart hurts like its being stabbed by the minute. I do not know where I would go from here. I have thought about taking my life and then again,  I have thought about hurting the both of them so bad!
   Why is love so cruel. Five years of my life is been flushed down the drain just like that!
   I really need advice on how to let go, how to make this bleeding heart heal someone help me!

Ms S

Inspired by a real life occurrence......advices would be gladly welcomed.

1 comment:

Chuks said...

Miss S...5 years of your life just went down the drain, True!... but you had lived 19 years of that life before you met Bayo, and you've still got more ahead... hurting them will do no good... With time, your heart will heal.