Seated in that big hall with hundreds of other people who where there to worship, I felt out of place when I was actually in place. The funny thing though was that these hall was dimly lighted and every other person around seemed to have been so engrossed in worshipping, so the question is why did I feel so out of place? Why did I feel like these other people were better than me? And that I looked so shabby around them why? The answer is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!"
Most ladies like myself if they would openly agree suffer from this and the thing is, it didn't just start at an adult age. Inferiority complex sneaks into the lives of most of its victims at an adolescent stage right about that that time when you begin to experience those changes in your body.
Thinking back now, I remember when mine actually started. It began when I had just started to develop my womanly features, being an early developer, most of the girls in the class still had flat chests and no pubic hairs or armpit hairs sprouting out and although I had been educated on the changes I was going through, I still felt weird and funny about myself. Summing it all up was the teasing I had started getting from those other girls who felt I had funny balls on my chest or was it the funny looks I had started to get from the boys in class who often giggled when I passed them. I'm thinking it was then that I became so concious of my environment, it was then that those little voices in my head began to whisper telling me; if only I was just like Jessica, Sarah or even Mary I would be just fine and well accepted.
For some others however it probably must have started during teen stage. Just at that time when you've started trying out touches of make-ups, when you begin to fancy the boys in class or even when you become so interested in fashion. You begin to feel like; Oh she is way prettier than I am, I could never get the kind of attention she does, she speaks so well while I stutter so bad and Yes! The cloths!!! Often times we be like oh her dress is so beautiful than mine when on the contrary, you look graciously beautiful in what you wore.
There was this time when I had these particular set of girls(all family) that I envied the way they looked. I felt they had all the latest wears and accessories to go with and if only I could be just like them I would be "cool". Funny thing is, one sunday, one the girls walked up to me and was like; I love the way you dress and of cos my reply was; why thank you! She went further to ask where I got my cloths from so she'lld patronize them.
Being shy that often times some of my cloths were second-grade clothes or Okrika(like Nigerians would call it) I just told her about a shop where I do get some of my quality clothings. The thing is though, on further questioning, this girls didn't dress up with big labels like chanel,LV etc. Just like myself they frequented areas that sold second-grade cloths. For them it was all "PACKAGING"; knowing what to put on with what and a touch of confidence that toned it all up. That day I had learnt a lesson but I wasn't too sure if it had stuck cause that feeling of being inferior still crept up at one corner of my mind.
I could go on and on about instances when inferiority comes into play in the lives of most ladies but it would probably take too much of my time. However one last area I would like to emphasis a little on is the area of size and height. Most ladies often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, its either they are too fat or too thin or maybe just too short or too tall. In my case, I always wished I was some inches taller. Then maybe just maybe I would fit in but blehhh!!! I had that to deal with.
I had forgotten so soon that I am a special, smart, gifted, beautiful and talented woman who has so much worth. This virus just like in many other females had made me forget about the other good aspects of me, it picked up on only the worst areas. At that point I was ready to deal with this feeling. Inferiority complex has no place with me. When I ever I felt worthless, I remindedSeated in that big hall with hundreds of other people who where there to worship, I felt out of place when I was actually in place. The funny thing though was that these hall was dimly lighted and every other person around seemed to have been so engrossed in worshipping, so the question is why did I feel so out of place? Why did I feel like these other people were better than me? And that I looked so shabby around them why? The answer is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!"
Most ladies like myself if they would openly agree suffer from this and the thing is, it didn't just start at an adult age. Inferiority complex sneaks into the lives of most of its victims at an adolescent stage right about that that time when you begin to experience those changes in your body.
Thinking back now, I remember when mine actually started. It began when I had just started to develop my womanly features, being an early developer, most of the girls in the class still had flat chests and no pubic hairs or armpit hairs sprouting out and although I had been educated on the changes I was going through, I still felt weird and funny about myself. Summing it all up was the teasing I had started getting from those other girls who felt I had funny balls on my chest or was it the funny looks I had started to get from the boys in class who often giggled when I passed them. I'm thinking it was then that I became so concious of my environment, it was then that those little voices in my head began to whisper telling me; if only I was just like Jessica, Sarah or even Mary I would be just fine and well accepted.
For some others however it probably must have started during teen stage. Just at that time when you've started trying out touches of make-ups, when you begin to fancy the boys in class or even when you become so interested in fashion. You begin to feel like; Oh she is way prettier than I am, I could never get the kind of attention she does, she speaks so well while I stutter so bad and Yes! The cloths!!! Often times we be like oh her dress is so beautiful than mine when on the contrary, you look graciously beautiful in what you wore.
There was this time when I had these particular set of girls(all family) that I envied the way they looked. I felt they had all the latest wears and accessories to go with and if only I could be just like them I would be "cool". Funny thing is, one sunday, one the girls walked up to me and was like; I love the way you dress and of cos my reply was; why thank you! She went further to ask where I got my cloths from so she'lld patronize them.
Being shy that often times some of my cloths were second-grade clothes or Okrika(like Nigerians would call it) I just told her about a shop where I do get some of my quality clothings. The thing is though, on further questioning, this girls didn't dress up with big labels like chanel,LV etc. Just like myself they frequented areas that sold second-grade cloths. For them it was all "PACKAGING"; knowing what to put on with what and a touch of confidence that toned it all up. That day I had learnt a lesson but I wasn't too sure if it had stuck cause that feeling of being inferior still crept up at one corner of my mind.
I could go on and on about instances when inferiority comes into play in the lives of most ladies but it would probably take too much of my time. However one last area I would like to emphasis a little on is the area of size and height. Most ladies often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, its either they are too fat or too thin or maybe just too short or too tall. In my case, I always wished I was some inches taller. Then maybe just maybe I would fit in but blehhh!!! I had that to deal with.
I had forgotten so soon that I am a special, smart, gifted, beautiful and talented woman who has so much worth. This virus just like in many other females had made me forget about the other good aspects of me, it picked up on only the worst areas. At that point I was ready to deal with thisSeated in that big hall with hundreds of other people who where there to worship, I felt out of place when I was actually in place. The funny thing though was that these hall was dimly lighted and every other person around seemed to have been so engrossed in worshipping, so the question is why did I feel so out of place? Why did I feel like these other people were better than me? And that I looked so shabby around them why? The answer is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!"
Most ladies like myself if they would openly agree suffer from this and the thing is, it didn't just start at an adult age. Inferiority complex sneaks into the lives of most of its victims at an adolescent stage right about that that time when you begin to experience those changes in your body.
Thinking back now, I remember when mine actually started. It began when I had just started to develop my womanly features, being an early developer, most of the girls in the class still had flat chests and no pubic hairs or armpit hairs sprouting out and although I had been educated on the changes I was going through, I still felt weird and funny about myself. Summing it all up was the teasing I had started getting from those other girls who felt I had funny balls on my chest or was it the funny looks I had started to get from the boys in class who often giggled when I passed them. I'm thinking it was then that I became so concious of my environment, it was then that those little voices in my head began to whisper telling me; if only I was just like Jessica, Sarah or even Mary I would be just fine and well accepted.
For some others however it probably must have started during teen stage. Just at that time when you've started trying out touches of make-ups, when you begin to fancy the boys in class or even when you become so interested in fashion. You begin to feel like; Oh she is way prettier than I am, I could never get the kind of attention she does, she speaks so well while I stutter so bad and Yes! The cloths!!! Often times we be like oh her dress is so beautiful than mine when on the contrary, you look graciously beautiful in what you wore.
There was this time when I had these particular set of girls(all family) that I envied the way they looked. I felt they had all the latest wears and accessories to go with and if only I could be just like them I would be "cool". Funny thing is, one sunday, one the girls walked up to me and was like; I love the way you dress and of cos my reply was; why thank you! She went further to ask where I got my cloths from so she'lld patronize them.
Being shy that often times some of my cloths were second-grade clothes or Okrika(like Nigerians would call it) I just told her about a shop where I do get some of my quality clothings. The thing is though, on further questioning, this girls didn't dress up with big labels like chanel,LV etc. Just like myself they frequented areas that sold second-grade cloths. For them it was all "PACKAGING"; knowing what to put on with what and a touch of confidence that toned it all up. That day I had learnt a lesson but I wasn't too sure if it had stuck cause that feeling of being inferior still crept up at one corner of my mind.
I could go on and on about instances when inferiority comes into play in the lives of most ladies but it would probably take too much of my time. However one last area I would like to emphasis a little on is the area of size and height. Most ladies often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, its either they are too fat or too thin or maybe just too short or too tall. In my case, I always wished I was some inches taller. Then maybe just maybe I would fit in but blehhh!!! I had that to deal with.
I had forgotten so soon that I am a special, smart, gifted, beautiful and talented woman who has so much worth. This virus just like in many other females had made me forget about the other good aspects of me, it picked up on only the worst areas. At that point I was ready to deal with this feeling. Inferiority complex had no place with me because I'm special, beautiful, talented and smart! In fact there is no one like me.
However, I'm still in the process of taking full charge of me and emitting the confidence I so crave for, as today, I had failed again but I'm not deterred.
Inferiority complex is just one deceitful feeling that makes you sell your self short. The sooner you discover your worth and get the confidence to back you up, then you are good to go!
Till next time, keep living, keep dreaming, keep loving and most of all, keep your head up cos you're SPECIAL!
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
*Clears throat* testing the mic 1,2!(lol)
Ladies this is for you all!
Sister so because that so so brother has
everything worth making life very comfortable no
mean say you go die untop him matter now (what
if he is not meant for you?). With the little time
I've spent on planet earth, I've come to notice
that ladies often times are the cause of their
misfortunes. How you may ask?(fine I'll answer).
The modern day lady no longer buys the idea of
building up with her partner now we're more
interested in already made men (AMM). This
change in thought has led many ladies into
relationships with all the wrong kinda guys(the
mkpi's, the efulefus and even some aghafus guys no vex for me o!).
Sister talk true shey he beats you abi? Oh he told
you its bcos he loves you that's why he beats you
(hehe kpekpeye like you). You've washed his
cloths and boxers for him abi, cleaned his
house,cooked for him and if possible sef given up
ur cookie innit? But no vex for this next question
o! Shey he don wife you ni? Oh he hasn't right, says
he is not ready abi. Hmmmmm oya hear the
truth. That dude will never wife you! You know
why? Cos he has gotten the better of you what
else does he need.
Its a lie he loves me a lot I know it.taaa
mechionu Eba! Cos he calls you bae, hun, sweet
tom tom abi baba blue abi. Do you know how many
ladies he calls that. What I'm I saying? Ladies pls
stop playing wify roles when he has not taken
you to the altar. Involve God more in your
relationships. Who says God is not interested in
who you are seeing he totally is! And please I'm not
saying its wrong to be in a relationship with a
wealthy man(I for one wouldn't mind one lol) all
I'm saying is set your priorities,involve God and
have some self worth. Know when to pick up your
shoes and run don't allow wealth blind your senses
As for those sisters that take it as a point of duty
to date BAB's(broke ass brothers) and still do
wify duties untop beating et all na Una own I
never understand (deliverance go necessary for
Una case).
Finally who says you must date before you
marry? Let's do it like our parents did. God will
show you your partner when its time (did I hear you
people shout No? Lol!)
Me is already married *drops mic flips hair and
catwalks away*
Ladies this is for you all!
Sister so because that so so brother has
everything worth making life very comfortable no
mean say you go die untop him matter now (what
if he is not meant for you?). With the little time
I've spent on planet earth, I've come to notice
that ladies often times are the cause of their
misfortunes. How you may ask?(fine I'll answer).
The modern day lady no longer buys the idea of
building up with her partner now we're more
interested in already made men (AMM). This
change in thought has led many ladies into
relationships with all the wrong kinda guys(the
mkpi's, the efulefus and even some aghafus guys no vex for me o!).
Sister talk true shey he beats you abi? Oh he told
you its bcos he loves you that's why he beats you
(hehe kpekpeye like you). You've washed his
cloths and boxers for him abi, cleaned his
house,cooked for him and if possible sef given up
ur cookie innit? But no vex for this next question
o! Shey he don wife you ni? Oh he hasn't right, says
he is not ready abi. Hmmmmm oya hear the
truth. That dude will never wife you! You know
why? Cos he has gotten the better of you what
else does he need.
Its a lie he loves me a lot I know it.taaa
mechionu Eba! Cos he calls you bae, hun, sweet
tom tom abi baba blue abi. Do you know how many
ladies he calls that. What I'm I saying? Ladies pls
stop playing wify roles when he has not taken
you to the altar. Involve God more in your
relationships. Who says God is not interested in
who you are seeing he totally is! And please I'm not
saying its wrong to be in a relationship with a
wealthy man(I for one wouldn't mind one lol) all
I'm saying is set your priorities,involve God and
have some self worth. Know when to pick up your
shoes and run don't allow wealth blind your senses
As for those sisters that take it as a point of duty
to date BAB's(broke ass brothers) and still do
wify duties untop beating et all na Una own I
never understand (deliverance go necessary for
Una case).
Finally who says you must date before you
marry? Let's do it like our parents did. God will
show you your partner when its time (did I hear you
people shout No? Lol!)
Me is already married *drops mic flips hair and
catwalks away*
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
He could still perceive her perfume, memories of her were everywhere in the house, he couldn't make himself put away Sade's stuff.... It felt like only yesterday when they took their vows and promised to love each other forever but here he was just two years after alone and mourning her.
He remembered walking into the house on that sadistic Friday evening a year ago, he called out for her but didn't get a reply. He walked into the bedroom wondering why she wasn't responding and then he saw her lying on the bed peacefully..... Smiling, he went closer and gave her a kiss, her lips was cold.... "that's strange" he thought. "Baby" he called but she didn't respond.
Now frantic, he tried to raise her up but she was oddly stiff and heavy..... He started to scream which drew his neighbours attention. Sade was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival...... He still couldn't believe how something so bad could happen to someone so pure and simple as his wife
Timi put his head in his hands, elbows leaning on the glass table. He fought tears, felt pain and sadness fill him to the brim and spill over. "Timi" he heard Tare's voice calling him, "come on Timi don't tell me you've been crying". Dropping her bag as she walked up to meet him.
He raised his face to Tare who had been more than a friend to him since childhood, in fact, it was through her he met Sade. "I can't help it Tare I just can't....."
Tare took Timi's arm gently. "come let's go get you dressed, I want to take you somewhere".
"no I don't really feel like hanging out Tare "......" I'm not taking no for an answer, go get changed we are going out she said.
Slowly he stood up and went to change. It had been a long time since Timi hung out. Tare stole glances at Timi while she drove, he looked so less interested with life. Sade's death dealt a huge blow on him more than she thought it would.
Parking the car, Timi realised she brought him to their favourite hangout spot. Walking into the joint, Tare began to sway her body to the loud music while Timi found a place to sit
Tare had always been a jolly fellow even when she was hurting. He wished he could absorb pain as half as she could..... Tare would always tease him back then by calling him a woman.
She had always been there for him even through their college years. Heck! People back then thought they were a pair cos of how close they were and although she acted possessive over him sometimes, they both knew there could be nothing more.
Taking a sip from his drink, Timi allowed his eye roam round the joint and finally let it settle on Tare who was now swaying her hip to the Woju beat. Catching him staring, she winked and made a move towards the now smiling Timi.
"come let's dance" she said. No I don't want to.... Just dance and let me watch. Shrugging her shoulder, Tare pretended to leave but then turned back swiftly pulling Timi to his feet...... Now laughing, Timi had no option than to join her.
They ended up having a good time and by 10pm, they were headed home. They got home some minutes past 10 and Tare decided to fix them a drink. She handed him a glass of wine while they talked and laughed about everything soon Timi dozed off.
Timi couldn't believe it...... Sade was here with him, he could perceive her perfume strongly and oh her warm body..... Holding her tightly, he murmured from his sleep "Don't ever leave me again Sade I love you".
Pushing his hands away roughly, Timi opened his eyes in a dreamy state and saw a figure. It looked like Sade wearing her nighty...... He had to be dreaming...... Wiping his eyes with his hands, he then saw her.
Tare! What the hell are you doing? Why do you have my wife's nighty on you? Not saying a word, Tare stared at him with a glint of craziness in her eyes.
He tried to get up but felt very dizzy..... "Don't bother getting up cos you won't be able to " he heard her say.
"Tare what's going on " Timi asked with a hint of fear in his voice...... Tare laughing hysterically mimicked Timi's voice....
" so you still love a dead woman even after a year" she questioned him. After all our time together right from childhood. I sacrificed so much for you! I loved you! I did nothing but love you" she barked....... But how do you repay me? With wickedness that's how! You left me immediately you set your eyes on Sade! I curse that day! Like a little slut that she was, she wasted no time in making you marry her..... "Hahaha" she laughed
"Tare but we were never dating, you are more of a sister to me "
Shut! up! Tare screamed, sister my foot!
Who gave you your first kiss? I did! Who was your first? I was! Or have you forgotten how we experimented on ourselves when we were just thirteen? Iwas the first girl you said the words "I love you " to..... It was me me me!!!! Not Sade! You are mine not hers! It's me you love Timi!
Tare please stop this Timi begged. "awww my baby are my scaring you" touching his face tenderly "I'm sorry if I am didn't mean to " she said.
Timi tried to move but found the effort useless.
What did you do to me Tare? Smiling in a cold kinda way, she answered "oh nothing harmful for now my love just something to leave you incapacitated while we make plans for our wedding"
Timi knew he had to keep here talking if he wanted to live.
"did you know it's very easy to make poison? A tasteless, colourless and odourless kind for that matter. To crown it all, it can be made from mere kitchen ingredients....... Thanks to the Internet " she shrieked in excitement.
Sade would never have guessed that her sharwama was poisoned, she was such a dull girl, I never even understood what you saw in the slut mtcheeew!
Ah Tare! So you killed Sade? " Oh shut it! Stop talking about that dead girl. Let's talk about us...... Now we can be man and wife just as planned" kissing him on the cheek.
Pulling two syringes from her bag, she looked at Timi smiling.
You love right? she asked
"I do" Timi replied clearly frightened
"so I was thinking, maybe we should have a court wedding..... What do you think? "
"a court wedding is fine by me" Timi replied amidst sobs.
"no! I change my mind... I think we should make our love eternal just like Romeo and Juliet" she said tapping the syringes.
"A court wedding is just fine" Timi pleaded making Tare laugh
"I know you've always been a sissy but don't worry, this won't hurt..... It would only make you sleep forever ".
Timi was now obviously terrified. Tare moved closer and injected Timi with a lesser dose. She felt he already had enough lethal stuff in his system and also wanted him to sleep off at the same time as her (she had it all planned)
Tare plugged in her phone to the sound system in the room and put on repeat "LAY ME DOWN" by Sam Smith (she has always loved that song).
She soon injected her self with a dose of the poison she felt matched his and soon it began to take effect.
Tare laid down quietly beside Timi, placing her head on his chest. " I love you Timi" and soon she was sleeping.....
Timi prayed and hoped someone would find him.... He thought about Tare, wondering how he never knew she was so sick. He could not make himself hate her, he rather felt pity for her.
His thoughts wandered to Sade, he felt sorry that he wasn't able to protect her.
His precious Sade....... Images of her began flooding his view and then he didn't bother fighting it anymore. He slept.......
MAY 30TH 2015
lovers found Dead in their home........ Suspected cause of death : Drug abuse
He remembered walking into the house on that sadistic Friday evening a year ago, he called out for her but didn't get a reply. He walked into the bedroom wondering why she wasn't responding and then he saw her lying on the bed peacefully..... Smiling, he went closer and gave her a kiss, her lips was cold.... "that's strange" he thought. "Baby" he called but she didn't respond.
Now frantic, he tried to raise her up but she was oddly stiff and heavy..... He started to scream which drew his neighbours attention. Sade was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival...... He still couldn't believe how something so bad could happen to someone so pure and simple as his wife
Timi put his head in his hands, elbows leaning on the glass table. He fought tears, felt pain and sadness fill him to the brim and spill over. "Timi" he heard Tare's voice calling him, "come on Timi don't tell me you've been crying". Dropping her bag as she walked up to meet him.
He raised his face to Tare who had been more than a friend to him since childhood, in fact, it was through her he met Sade. "I can't help it Tare I just can't....."
Tare took Timi's arm gently. "come let's go get you dressed, I want to take you somewhere".
"no I don't really feel like hanging out Tare "......" I'm not taking no for an answer, go get changed we are going out she said.
Slowly he stood up and went to change. It had been a long time since Timi hung out. Tare stole glances at Timi while she drove, he looked so less interested with life. Sade's death dealt a huge blow on him more than she thought it would.
Parking the car, Timi realised she brought him to their favourite hangout spot. Walking into the joint, Tare began to sway her body to the loud music while Timi found a place to sit
Tare had always been a jolly fellow even when she was hurting. He wished he could absorb pain as half as she could..... Tare would always tease him back then by calling him a woman.
She had always been there for him even through their college years. Heck! People back then thought they were a pair cos of how close they were and although she acted possessive over him sometimes, they both knew there could be nothing more.
Taking a sip from his drink, Timi allowed his eye roam round the joint and finally let it settle on Tare who was now swaying her hip to the Woju beat. Catching him staring, she winked and made a move towards the now smiling Timi.
"come let's dance" she said. No I don't want to.... Just dance and let me watch. Shrugging her shoulder, Tare pretended to leave but then turned back swiftly pulling Timi to his feet...... Now laughing, Timi had no option than to join her.
They ended up having a good time and by 10pm, they were headed home. They got home some minutes past 10 and Tare decided to fix them a drink. She handed him a glass of wine while they talked and laughed about everything soon Timi dozed off.
Timi couldn't believe it...... Sade was here with him, he could perceive her perfume strongly and oh her warm body..... Holding her tightly, he murmured from his sleep "Don't ever leave me again Sade I love you".
Pushing his hands away roughly, Timi opened his eyes in a dreamy state and saw a figure. It looked like Sade wearing her nighty...... He had to be dreaming...... Wiping his eyes with his hands, he then saw her.
Tare! What the hell are you doing? Why do you have my wife's nighty on you? Not saying a word, Tare stared at him with a glint of craziness in her eyes.
He tried to get up but felt very dizzy..... "Don't bother getting up cos you won't be able to " he heard her say.
"Tare what's going on " Timi asked with a hint of fear in his voice...... Tare laughing hysterically mimicked Timi's voice....
" so you still love a dead woman even after a year" she questioned him. After all our time together right from childhood. I sacrificed so much for you! I loved you! I did nothing but love you" she barked....... But how do you repay me? With wickedness that's how! You left me immediately you set your eyes on Sade! I curse that day! Like a little slut that she was, she wasted no time in making you marry her..... "Hahaha" she laughed
"Tare but we were never dating, you are more of a sister to me "
Shut! up! Tare screamed, sister my foot!
Who gave you your first kiss? I did! Who was your first? I was! Or have you forgotten how we experimented on ourselves when we were just thirteen? Iwas the first girl you said the words "I love you " to..... It was me me me!!!! Not Sade! You are mine not hers! It's me you love Timi!
Tare please stop this Timi begged. "awww my baby are my scaring you" touching his face tenderly "I'm sorry if I am didn't mean to " she said.
Timi tried to move but found the effort useless.
What did you do to me Tare? Smiling in a cold kinda way, she answered "oh nothing harmful for now my love just something to leave you incapacitated while we make plans for our wedding"
Timi knew he had to keep here talking if he wanted to live.
"did you know it's very easy to make poison? A tasteless, colourless and odourless kind for that matter. To crown it all, it can be made from mere kitchen ingredients....... Thanks to the Internet " she shrieked in excitement.
Sade would never have guessed that her sharwama was poisoned, she was such a dull girl, I never even understood what you saw in the slut mtcheeew!
Ah Tare! So you killed Sade? " Oh shut it! Stop talking about that dead girl. Let's talk about us...... Now we can be man and wife just as planned" kissing him on the cheek.
Pulling two syringes from her bag, she looked at Timi smiling.
You love right? she asked
"I do" Timi replied clearly frightened
"so I was thinking, maybe we should have a court wedding..... What do you think? "
"a court wedding is fine by me" Timi replied amidst sobs.
"no! I change my mind... I think we should make our love eternal just like Romeo and Juliet" she said tapping the syringes.
"A court wedding is just fine" Timi pleaded making Tare laugh
"I know you've always been a sissy but don't worry, this won't hurt..... It would only make you sleep forever ".
Timi was now obviously terrified. Tare moved closer and injected Timi with a lesser dose. She felt he already had enough lethal stuff in his system and also wanted him to sleep off at the same time as her (she had it all planned)
Tare plugged in her phone to the sound system in the room and put on repeat "LAY ME DOWN" by Sam Smith (she has always loved that song).
She soon injected her self with a dose of the poison she felt matched his and soon it began to take effect.
Tare laid down quietly beside Timi, placing her head on his chest. " I love you Timi" and soon she was sleeping.....
Timi prayed and hoped someone would find him.... He thought about Tare, wondering how he never knew she was so sick. He could not make himself hate her, he rather felt pity for her.
His thoughts wandered to Sade, he felt sorry that he wasn't able to protect her.
His precious Sade....... Images of her began flooding his view and then he didn't bother fighting it anymore. He slept.......
MAY 30TH 2015
lovers found Dead in their home........ Suspected cause of death : Drug abuse
Good morning beautiful people!
I woke up feeling pretty excited and positive. Hopefully I'll be able to share the excitement - bug..........
Here is something to boost your vibes
I woke up feeling pretty excited and positive. Hopefully I'll be able to share the excitement - bug..........
Here is something to boost your vibes
Where did you drop your phone? I've called three times now eh Ebere! Mummy sorry I was praying when you called(I held my breath hoping she'lld buy the ridiculous lie) . Oh ok sorry I didn't know came her reply. So how is school? She asked..... Fine mummy..... I had a terrible dream about you Ebere that's why I called...... Hmmm terrible dream? What was it about I asked.
I saw you on the street naked and crying, it seemed like you were beaten. I kept on calling you but you wouldn't answer me and then I woke up....... God forbid! It's not my portion.... I immediately said..... Be careful with the way you move around, don't go out at night have you heard me? Yes mummy I answered and then the call ended.
Heaving a sigh of relief, I dropped the phone.... You see, this is not the first time my mum has had a terrible dream about me but then nothing ever happens.... I guess its cos she worries too much about me.
Before I knew it, it was evening already and there I was, in front of chief William an average, chocolate skinned man with a portable pot-belly and a slightly manageable face(not like his look mattered tho). Chief William couldn't keep his hands off me and it slightly irritated me but then it's business.
It didn't take long before he asked that we move to his hotel room and I obliged. 30mins later chief William was done and he gave me 3bundles of one thousand naira note..... Checking the time, it was just 11pm, so I got dressed and left quietly.
Driving back home, I moved my body in sync with the music I was playing. I was happy that Chief didn't ask me to spend the night cos I didn't really feel like it today. I was still wriggling my body to the music when out of nowhere, two cars blocked me....... Opening the door, I stepped out angrily to know what their problem was. Just then, I inhaled a very pungent smell and everything went black.........
I saw you on the street naked and crying, it seemed like you were beaten. I kept on calling you but you wouldn't answer me and then I woke up....... God forbid! It's not my portion.... I immediately said..... Be careful with the way you move around, don't go out at night have you heard me? Yes mummy I answered and then the call ended.
Heaving a sigh of relief, I dropped the phone.... You see, this is not the first time my mum has had a terrible dream about me but then nothing ever happens.... I guess its cos she worries too much about me.
Before I knew it, it was evening already and there I was, in front of chief William an average, chocolate skinned man with a portable pot-belly and a slightly manageable face(not like his look mattered tho). Chief William couldn't keep his hands off me and it slightly irritated me but then it's business.
It didn't take long before he asked that we move to his hotel room and I obliged. 30mins later chief William was done and he gave me 3bundles of one thousand naira note..... Checking the time, it was just 11pm, so I got dressed and left quietly.
Driving back home, I moved my body in sync with the music I was playing. I was happy that Chief didn't ask me to spend the night cos I didn't really feel like it today. I was still wriggling my body to the music when out of nowhere, two cars blocked me....... Opening the door, I stepped out angrily to know what their problem was. Just then, I inhaled a very pungent smell and everything went black.........
Monday, 1 June 2015
Brothers Can I Preach?....Sure I can! Its my blog (lol)
Brother, so u've been treating that sister badly cos you know she loves you too much and would want it to work at all cost shey?!
Be forming macho-man, while disregarding the lil meaningful things a man should do to make his woman feel treasured while having the feeling that she'll be to ashamed to leave the "SITUATIONSHIP"(cos that one no be relationship na) becos probably she has spent a better part of her life cuffed to you.
But then Boom! She surprises you by actually taking notice of her worth and gradually dumps ur sorry, less-appreciative a**. And like an enemy of progress you come back to confuse sister(I cast and bind you on behalf of any sister in need IJN amen! lol).
Unfortunately another brother who knows her worth would have done the needful and you'll be there crying foul(abi turkey hehe). She is gone and you can't get her back! Ko possible! Odirodi possible! Ba komi za ka yi!:p
So brother out there better step up your game o treat that lady right if not, Ome ghi Voom na anya!
Sister can I preach?!
Brother, so u've been treating that sister badly cos you know she loves you too much and would want it to work at all cost shey?!
Be forming macho-man, while disregarding the lil meaningful things a man should do to make his woman feel treasured while having the feeling that she'll be to ashamed to leave the "SITUATIONSHIP"(cos that one no be relationship na) becos probably she has spent a better part of her life cuffed to you.
But then Boom! She surprises you by actually taking notice of her worth and gradually dumps ur sorry, less-appreciative a**. And like an enemy of progress you come back to confuse sister(I cast and bind you on behalf of any sister in need IJN amen! lol).
Unfortunately another brother who knows her worth would have done the needful and you'll be there crying foul(abi turkey hehe). She is gone and you can't get her back! Ko possible! Odirodi possible! Ba komi za ka yi!:p
So brother out there better step up your game o treat that lady right if not, Ome ghi Voom na anya!
Sister can I preach?!
Goodevening people,
I know it's been almost a year since I last posted any piece and I'm really sorry. I kind of lost the drive to write but I'm back this time and I ain't going no where.
I have so much stuff in my goody bag and I can't wait to share it with you all. So sit back relax while I sway and intrigue your minds!
Goodevening people,
I know it's been almost a year since I last posted any piece and I'm really sorry. I kind of lost the drive to write but I'm back this time and I ain't going no where.
I have so much stuff in my goody bag and I can't wait to share it with you all. So sit back relax while I sway and intrigue your minds!
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