Saturday, 6 June 2015


Seated in that big hall with hundreds of other people who where there to worship, I felt out of place when I was actually in place. The funny thing though was that these hall was dimly lighted and every other person around seemed to have been so engrossed in worshipping, so the question is why did I feel so out of place? Why did I feel like these other people were better than me? And that I looked so shabby around them why? The answer is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!"
Most ladies like myself if they would openly agree suffer from this and the thing is, it didn't just start at an adult age. Inferiority complex sneaks into the lives of most of its victims at an adolescent stage right about that that time when you begin to experience those changes in your body.
Thinking back now, I remember when mine actually started. It began when I had just started to develop my womanly features, being an early developer, most of the girls in the class still had flat chests and no pubic hairs or armpit hairs sprouting out and although I had been educated on the changes I was going through, I still felt weird and funny about myself. Summing it all up was the teasing I had started getting from those other girls who felt I had funny balls on my chest or was it the funny looks I had started to get from the boys in class who often giggled when I passed them. I'm thinking it was then that I became so concious of my environment, it was then that those little voices in my head began to whisper telling me; if only I was just like Jessica, Sarah or even Mary I would be just fine and well accepted.
For some others however it probably must have started during teen stage. Just at that time when you've started trying out touches of make-ups, when you begin to fancy the boys in class or even when you become so interested in fashion. You begin to feel like; Oh she is way prettier than I am, I could never get the kind of attention she does, she speaks so well while I stutter so bad and Yes! The cloths!!! Often times we be like oh her dress is so beautiful than mine when on the contrary, you look graciously beautiful in what you wore.
There was this time when I had these particular set of girls(all family) that I envied the way they looked. I felt they had all the latest wears and accessories to go with and if only I could be just like them I would be "cool". Funny thing is, one sunday, one the girls walked up to me and was like; I love the way you dress and of cos my reply was; why thank you! She went further to ask where I got my cloths from so she'lld patronize them.
Being shy that often times some of my cloths were second-grade clothes or Okrika(like Nigerians would call it) I just told her about a shop where I do get some of my quality clothings. The thing is though, on further questioning, this girls didn't dress up with big labels like chanel,LV etc. Just like myself they frequented areas that sold second-grade cloths. For them it was all "PACKAGING"; knowing what to put on with what and a touch of confidence that toned it all up. That day I had learnt a lesson but I wasn't too sure if it had stuck cause that feeling of being inferior still crept up at one corner of my mind.
I could go on and on about instances when inferiority comes into play in the lives of most ladies but it would probably take too much of my time. However one last area I would like to emphasis a little on is the area of size and height. Most ladies often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, its either they are too fat or too thin or maybe just too short or too tall. In my case, I always wished I was some inches taller. Then maybe just maybe I would fit in but blehhh!!! I had that to deal with.
I had forgotten so soon that I am a special, smart, gifted, beautiful and talented woman who has so much worth. This virus just like in many other females had made me forget about the other good aspects of me, it picked up on only the worst areas. At that point I was ready to deal with this feeling. Inferiority complex  has no place with me. When I ever I felt worthless,  I remindedSeated in that big hall with hundreds of other people who where there to worship, I felt out of place when I was actually in place. The funny thing though was that these hall was dimly lighted and every other person around seemed to have been so engrossed in worshipping, so the question is why did I feel so out of place? Why did I feel like these other people were better than me? And that I looked so shabby around them why? The answer is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!"
Most ladies like myself if they would openly agree suffer from this and the thing is, it didn't just start at an adult age. Inferiority complex sneaks into the lives of most of its victims at an adolescent stage right about that that time when you begin to experience those changes in your body.
Thinking back now, I remember when mine actually started. It began when I had just started to develop my womanly features, being an early developer, most of the girls in the class still had flat chests and no pubic hairs or armpit hairs sprouting out and although I had been educated on the changes I was going through, I still felt weird and funny about myself. Summing it all up was the teasing I had started getting from those other girls who felt I had funny balls on my chest or was it the funny looks I had started to get from the boys in class who often giggled when I passed them. I'm thinking it was then that I became so concious of my environment, it was then that those little voices in my head began to whisper telling me; if only I was just like Jessica, Sarah or even Mary I would be just fine and well accepted.
For some others however it probably must have started during teen stage. Just at that time when you've started trying out touches of make-ups, when you begin to fancy the boys in class or even when you become so interested in fashion. You begin to feel like; Oh she is way prettier than I am, I could never get the kind of attention she does, she speaks so well while I stutter so bad and Yes! The cloths!!! Often times we be like oh her dress is so beautiful than mine when on the contrary, you look graciously beautiful in what you wore.
There was this time when I had these particular set of girls(all family) that I envied the way they looked. I felt they had all the latest wears and accessories to go with and if only I could be just like them I would be "cool". Funny thing is, one sunday, one the girls walked up to me and was like; I love the way you dress and of cos my reply was; why thank you! She went further to ask where I got my cloths from so she'lld patronize them.
Being shy that often times some of my cloths were second-grade clothes or Okrika(like Nigerians would call it) I just told her about a shop where I do get some of my quality clothings. The thing is though, on further questioning, this girls didn't dress up with big labels like chanel,LV etc. Just like myself they frequented areas that sold second-grade cloths. For them it was all "PACKAGING"; knowing what to put on with what and a touch of confidence that toned it all up. That day I had learnt a lesson but I wasn't too sure if it had stuck cause that feeling of being inferior still crept up at one corner of my mind.
I could go on and on about instances when inferiority comes into play in the lives of most ladies but it would probably take too much of my time. However one last area I would like to emphasis a little on is the area of size and height. Most ladies often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, its either they are too fat or too thin or maybe just too short or too tall. In my case, I always wished I was some inches taller. Then maybe just maybe I would fit in but blehhh!!! I had that to deal with.
I had forgotten so soon that I am a special, smart, gifted, beautiful and talented woman who has so much worth. This virus just like in many other females had made me forget about the other good aspects of me, it picked up on only the worst areas. At that point I was ready to deal with thisSeated in that big hall with hundreds of other people who where there to worship, I felt out of place when I was actually in place. The funny thing though was that these hall was dimly lighted and every other person around seemed to have been so engrossed in worshipping, so the question is why did I feel so out of place? Why did I feel like these other people were better than me? And that I looked so shabby around them why? The answer is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!"
Most ladies like myself if they would openly agree suffer from this and the thing is, it didn't just start at an adult age. Inferiority complex sneaks into the lives of most of its victims at an adolescent stage right about that that time when you begin to experience those changes in your body.
Thinking back now, I remember when mine actually started. It began when I had just started to develop my womanly features, being an early developer, most of the girls in the class still had flat chests and no pubic hairs or armpit hairs sprouting out and although I had been educated on the changes I was going through, I still felt weird and funny about myself. Summing it all up was the teasing I had started getting from those other girls who felt I had funny balls on my chest or was it the funny looks I had started to get from the boys in class who often giggled when I passed them. I'm thinking it was then that I became so concious of my environment, it was then that those little voices in my head began to whisper telling me; if only I was just like Jessica, Sarah or even Mary I would be just fine and well accepted.
For some others however it probably must have started during teen stage. Just at that time when you've started trying out touches of make-ups, when you begin to fancy the boys in class or even when you become so interested in fashion. You begin to feel like; Oh she is way prettier than I am, I could never get the kind of attention she does, she speaks so well while I stutter so bad and Yes! The cloths!!! Often times we be like oh her dress is so beautiful than mine when on the contrary, you look graciously beautiful in what you wore.
There was this time when I had these particular set of girls(all family) that I envied the way they looked. I felt they had all the latest wears and accessories to go with and if only I could be just like them I would be "cool". Funny thing is, one sunday, one the girls walked up to me and was like; I love the way you dress and of cos my reply was; why thank you! She went further to ask where I got my cloths from so she'lld patronize them.
Being shy that often times some of my cloths were second-grade clothes or Okrika(like Nigerians would call it) I just told her about a shop where I do get some of my quality clothings. The thing is though, on further questioning, this girls didn't dress up with big labels like chanel,LV etc. Just like myself they frequented areas that sold second-grade cloths. For them it was all "PACKAGING"; knowing what to put on with what and a touch of confidence that toned it all up. That day I had learnt a lesson but I wasn't too sure if it had stuck cause that feeling of being inferior still crept up at one corner of my mind.
I could go on and on about instances when inferiority comes into play in the lives of most ladies but it would probably take too much of my time. However one last area I would like to emphasis a little on is the area of size and height. Most ladies often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, its either they are too fat or too thin or maybe just too short or too tall. In my case, I always wished I was some inches taller. Then maybe just maybe I would fit in but blehhh!!! I had that to deal with.
I had forgotten so soon that I am a special, smart, gifted, beautiful and talented woman who has so much worth. This virus just like in many other females had made me forget about the other good aspects of me, it picked up on only the worst areas. At that point I was ready to deal with this feeling. Inferiority complex had no place with me because I'm special, beautiful, talented and smart! In fact there is no one like me.
However, I'm still in the  process of taking  full  charge of me and emitting the confidence I so crave for, as today, I had  failed again but  I'm not deterred.
Inferiority complex is just one deceitful feeling  that makes  you sell your self short.  The sooner you discover your worth and get the confidence to back you up, then you are good  to go!
Till next time,  keep living, keep dreaming, keep loving  and most of  all,  keep your head up cos you're  SPECIAL!

1 comment:

Kèñè said...

This is awesome... I love it