Wednesday, 3 June 2015


*Clears throat* testing the mic 1,2!(lol)
Ladies this is  for you  all!

Sister so because that so so brother has
everything worth making life very comfortable no
mean say you go die untop him matter now (what
if he is not meant for you?). With the little time
I've spent on planet earth, I've come to notice
that ladies often times are the cause of their
misfortunes. How you may ask?(fine I'll answer).
The modern day lady no longer buys the idea of
building up with her partner now we're more
interested in already made men (AMM). This
change in thought has led many ladies into
relationships with all the wrong kinda guys(the
mkpi's, the efulefus and even some aghafus guys no vex for me o!).
Sister talk true shey he beats you abi? Oh he told
you its bcos he loves you that's why he beats you
(hehe kpekpeye like you). You've washed his
cloths and boxers for him abi, cleaned his
house,cooked for him and if possible sef given up
ur cookie innit? But no vex for this next question
o! Shey he don wife you  ni? Oh he hasn't right, says
he is not ready abi. Hmmmmm oya hear the
truth. That dude will never wife you! You know
why? Cos he has gotten the better of you what
else does he need.
Its a lie he loves me a lot I know it.taaa
mechionu Eba! Cos he calls you bae, hun, sweet
tom tom abi baba blue abi. Do you  know how many
ladies he calls that. What I'm I saying? Ladies pls
stop playing wify roles when he has not taken
you to the altar. Involve God more in your
relationships. Who says God is not interested in
who you  are seeing he totally is! And please I'm not
saying its wrong to be in a relationship with a
wealthy man(I for one wouldn't mind one lol) all
I'm saying is set your  priorities,involve God and
have some self worth. Know when to pick up your
shoes and run don't allow wealth blind your  senses
As for those sisters that take it as a point of duty
to date BAB's(broke ass brothers) and still do
wify duties untop beating et all na Una own I
never understand (deliverance go necessary for
Una case).
Finally who says you must date before you
marry? Let's do it like our parents did. God will
show you  your  partner when its time (did I hear you
people shout No? Lol!)
Me is already married *drops mic flips hair and
catwalks away*

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